Wuhan Appeal
Update: 20/02/2020: this appeal is now closed and we will not take any donation more.
In total, we have received 19 donations of total £840.00, and also various donations of protection materials.
The coronavirus outbreak in China has been resulting in nearly 3000 confirmed cases (by 27/01/2020). The number is increasing at a dramatic speed. The hospitals in Wuhan are currently suffering an emergency shortage of basic medical supplies such as N95 masks, goggles, and procedure gowns.
We are a group of Chinese in Edinburgh, and we have been devasted by the situation in Wuhan and other areas in China, and sincerely wish to support the hospitals and the citizens as much as we can.
The fund raised will be solely used to purchase specific medical suppliers from NHS suppliers in the UK and directly donate to the hospitals in Wuhan, China.
Any amount of donation would be much appreciated. Thank you very much for your support.
(Donation URL is now closed)