news icon华夏中文学校2018/2019年招生计划

华夏中文学校是一所非盈利性的民间慈善机构(注册号为:SC040169),由爱丁堡和周边地区华人志愿组织与管理。学生主要来自当地的华裔子女。近几年来,学校在各方面都取得了长足发展,学生人数也有了迅速的增长。2013年华夏中文学校获得中国国务院侨办命名的”海外华文教育示范学校”的称号。 2018/19招生已经开始,简章如下:

1、 招生对象:


二年级至Advanced Higher班,请尽早联系学校,具体将根据现有班级空缺及学生本人情况决定。

2、 学生报名须具备的基本条件:

对于新入学一年级学生,学校要求家长提供申请人已满足最低入学年龄要求证明; 例如出示出生证明和当地全日制学校已录取证明。华夏中文学校对最低年龄要求与爱丁堡市政府的要求一致:申请人应于2014年2月29日前出生。另外考虑到中文学习的特点及学校师资情况,入学儿童要求有一定的自我管理和自理能力。


学校有权对申请人进行面试。在申请人满足相同录取标准的情况下,学校将独立地作出录取决定。未被录取的申请人可以登记到学校的等候名单(waiting list)。申请人在等候名单的排序方法,与录取标准一致。


3、 报名办法:

申请人可以通过学校网站在8月30日前尽早填写报名申请:; 咨询请用以下电邮地址

4、 缴费


注: 本条例的解释权在华夏中文学校董事会。

Alba Cathay Chinese School 2018/19 Enrolment Plan

Alba Cathay Chinese School (ACCS) is a charitable organization run by volunteers from Edinburgh Chinese community. The school currently have weekend Mandarin Chinese and Chinese art tutoring classes at Edinburgh City Council’s Boroughmuir High School. ACCS has experienced robust growth in pupil numbers and activities in recent years thanks to the support from the local community and the increasing interest in learning Mandarin Chinese. In 2013,ACCS was awarded the prestige “Model School for Overseas Chinese Education” by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the PRC State Council. The School is now publishing the enrolment plan for the term commencing in autumn 2018/19:

1. Prospective Pupil

Elementary level 1 for beginners. Parents or guardians wishing to enrol their child to other levels in ACCS are advised to contact the school as early as possible for available places.

2. Selection Conditions

The prospective pupil should have already been admitted to local primary school(born before 29 Feb 2014). Proof of such primary school admission shall be produced on request by ACCS. Due to the resource restrictions, when the qualified children number exceeds the planned enrolment number, ACCS may take into account the following factors for priority enrolment:

ACCS has a Waiting List for children it cannot admit during the open admission time. Priority in the waiting list follows the same rules set out above. The waiting list operates from the date of notification by ACCS advising the parents or guardians of the school for which the child has been admitted/not admitted until the last session of the current school year. The child’s name is added to/removed from the waiting list at any time upon the request from the parents or guardian

3. Registration

Parents or guardians shall register the child online as soon as possible for 2018/19 admission at the school website :; Enquires shall be made using the following address :

4. Fees

The school will contact parents regarding fees collection in August.
