team icon教师队伍 Our Teachers 2017/18

蔡丽娜 Lina CAI 教务主任 Pricinpal Teacher

任课班级: SQA National 5, 考试班和美术班 S
Class: SQA National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher and Art class

蔡丽娜,专长在中西文学和文化史方面,曾在爱大中文系担任过大学部讲师,爱大语言中心汉语教学主任,并在Napier Univ ,Fettes College (学生参加A level 和 GCSE),ESMS 和爱桥中文等校及Wood Mackenzie 和 Scottish Widows 等公司教过汉语课,得过汉语优良教师奖。美术方面纯是个人兴趣,学生时期曾得过小奖,也办过小型私人画展。在华夏中文学校担任中文和美术老师多年及一年多的美术主任,曾指导过本校学生杨茹原以"向日葵"画作获得金水桥之恋大赛铜牌奖。

Mrs Cai Lina (Li-nan McClellan), specializing in Chinese and Western literature, culture, and history, has worked in the Department of Chinese at Edinburgh University as a lecturer; at the Edinburgh University Chinese Language Center as Chinese teaching director, at Napier University, Fettes College (teaching the A level and GCSE qualifications), ESMS and other Chinese schools, and taught Chinese classes at Wood Mackenzie, Scottish Widows and other companies. She also won the award for excellent Chinese teaching. 

Art is a personal interest of hers. Mrs Cai had won some small prizes while was a student, and held a couple of small private exhibitions before.  She has been teaching at ACCS as a Chinese and art teacher for many years and as the head of the art department for more than one year.  During her service, Mrs Cai directed our pupil Yang Ruyuan with her work "Sunflower" drawing to win the bronze medal at the Love of Golden-water Bridge contest. 

吕艳 Yan LYU

任课班级: 一年级一班 (1A) 和 书法班
Class: C1A and Chinese Calligraphy class




Miss Lyu comes from Tianjin, China. She holds bachelor degrees from the Chinese Language and Literature department of Nankai University and the English department of Tianjin Foreign Studies University. 

Miss Lyu went to London to join the first UK Professional Training on Chinese Language Teaching and Teaching Materials in April 2010 and got a certificate issued by Hanban/Confucius Institute Headquarters. She was a Chinese teacher at our school from September 2010 to January 2012. She is returning to the school this year and said “I had the honour of joining the big family again and would like to work with teachers, parents and students to make a little contribution to the all-round development of children and the spread of Chinese language and culture.”

In terms of calligraphy, Miss Lyu was influenced by her father and her father’s uncle Xinwu Dong, the famous calligrapher from Tianjin. She fell in love with calligraphy at an early age and repeatedly won the first prize of the hard pen calligraphy competition and first or second prize of the soft pen calligraphy competition from primary school to university.

冯多利 Duoli FENG

任课班级: 1B
Class: 1B


(English text to be added)

马晓韦 Xiaowei MA

任课班级 Class: C2B

马晓韦老师毕业于爱丁堡大学数学系,在中文学校任教一年。她从小对语文很感兴趣,并且一直有取得很好的成绩,而且对中国文字,文学和文化一直都有浓厚的兴趣和深厚的功底,并 希望可以通过教授中文把中国文化的精髓传授给下一代,也让我们的孩子比别人多一份竞争的优势。 马晓韦老师志励于孩子多项思维和综合能力的发展和培养,利用有趣生动多元化的教学方式让孩子们在友好轻松的环境里快乐学习。她希望通过自己的努力教学和家长的热心配合帮助孩子们利用现在美好的时光去创造美好的将来。

Mrs Xiaowei Ma graduated from the University of Edinburgh in Mathematics and Statistics, and have been teaching at the Alba Cathay Chinese school for one year. She grew up in China and have great interest in Chinese history and Chinese culture. She have gained excellent achievements and valuable experience during my 20 years Chinese study.
Mrs Ma would like to show kids the beauty of the Chinese language and the essence of the Chinese culture through the teaching, and keen to develop multiple skills and overall abilities of children through language study. She tends to use interesting topics and various methods to let kids enjoy learning Chinese in a friendly and pleasant environment and would like to work together with parents to help their kids to develop their languguage skills for a better future. 

沈菁菁 Jingjing SHEN

任课班级: C3A 和美术
Class: C3A and Art


Mrs Jingjing Shen is from Wuhan, Hubei. She graduated from Hubei University, accounting computerization subject. During her study, she won the first prize of the university painting and calligraphy contest and the third place of National University Games badminton. After graduation, she went to UK for further studies. In year 2016, she has completed a Chinese educational training program at College of Chinese language and culture, Jinan University, and gained Professional Competency Certificate of International Chinese Teacher by meeting the requirements of advanced level.
Mrs Jingjing Shen has cheerful and outgoing personality, and work with chariness and responsibility. She teaches through lively activities and instruction in order to raise students' interest of learning Chinese. So that, kids can learn in a relax and happy environment.

徐翔 Xiang XU

任课班级: C3B
Class: C3B

徐翔老师毕业于辽宁省大连外国语学院。大学期间勤工俭学,利用周末空余和寒暑假时间做家教,为需要的小学生,初中生补习语文,数学和英语。 毕业后就职于北京一家外企多年,从事行政,客户协调及财务支持工作;曾参与微软,诺基亚和摩托罗拉北京公司项目。
"像妈妈一样关爱学生的学习,像朋友一样真诚对待每位家长" ,徐翔老师愿意和家长们一起努力,为华夏中文学校的学生营造一个良好,积极向上的中文学习环境。

(English version to be added)

赵宁宁 Ningning ZHAO

任课班级: 4A 和 美术
Class: 4A and Art

赵宁宁老师毕业于国内师范美术系,在华夏中文学校从事美术教学。曾在EAST LOTHIAN ART COUNCIL 从事小学书法教育。现在EDINBURGH COUNCIL 从事相关教育工作。课堂教育风格多以语言和图片引导为主题,提倡和鼓励孩子们大胆创作自己独有的绘画风格,不纠正异想天开的画风。喜欢启发孩子们对生活和周边事物提问题,用线条和色彩的方式表达出来。


(English text to be added)

刘月新 Yuexin LIU

任课班级 Class: C5A

刘月新老师来自中国北方, 普通话标准流利,有良好的教育背景和丰富的工作经验。大学学习统计专业, 毕业后从事证券工作,并获得中国首届证券分析师和证券从业资格证书。工作期间, 出任广东卫视, 湖南卫视, 上海卫视和深圳电视台的证券节目特邀分析师, 给 证券时报, 深圳特区报 等多家报纸及杂志供稿, 并被邀请出任福建电台等多家电台的证券节目嘉宾。
她曾在日本旅居5年, 开始教授本地人中文, 积累了一定的教学经验。 到爱丁堡定居后,在华夏中文学校工作超过了四年, 教过不同的三个班级。她参加多次教师培训,并且阅读了大量中文教育书籍。在教学中,刘老师非常注重中文学习的趣味性, 系统性和连贯性, 并根据每位同学的课堂表现及遇到的问题, 及时和家长沟通, 做到使他们有效地学习中文, 所以赢得了学生和家长们的一致好评。她曾出任2016朗读比赛评委,并组织班级学生参加学校春晚表演和朗读比赛,并取得了好成绩。

(English version to be added 

朱浔 Xun ZHU

任课班级:五年级二班 5B

朱浔,本科学历,毕业于江苏师范大学文秘与办公自动化专业,于2002年经江苏省普通话培训测试中心测试,确认普通话水平为贰级甲等。2003年赴英求学,毕业于赫瑞瓦特大学会计与金融专业,并荣获优秀毕业生称号。 她毕业后,在爱丁堡金融机构任职基金会计,工作认真负责,勤勉踏实。


Ms Xun Zhu graduated from Jiangsu Normal University, awarded Mandarin level 2 class A certification in 2002 by Jiangsu Mandarine training test centre.  She went to study in UK in 2003 and graduated in Heriot-Watt University and awarded academic distinction. 

After graduation, Ms Zhu worked as a Fund Accountant in Edinburgh with several financial Institutes.  She is a conscientious, well-motivated individual has excellent communication and transferable skills.  

Ms Zhu likes children very much and has a long-standing interest within teaching area.  She had worked as a personal tutor in Math and English for a number of primary school children before go abroad and also worked as a play leader, took care of 12 children in Heriot-Watt University chaplaincy while their parents are in meetings or worships.

As a result of her long-term overseas education and work experience, Ms Zhu has been very keen to spread the Chinese culture, and good at combining the Western education model, interact with children, teaching and learning together.

王鹏 Peng WANG

任课班级: 代课


In addition to the content of textbook, Mr Peng Wang introduces rich knowledge in terms of Chinese history and contemporary Chinese culture. He is keen to engage effective communication and receive feedback from parents in order to make Chinese-learning interesting and improve quality.

Teaching experience

Educational background

赵宇薇 Yuwei ZHAO



目前, 在爱丁堡一家慈善机构从事财务相关工作十余年,同时在该机构与中国政府或机构的正式活动中,担任其语言顾问和现场翻译工作。 自2011年起在华夏中文学校任职中文教师期间,积累了包括SQA考试,辅导GCSE考生在内的各阶段教学经验,在贯彻学校教学理念的基础上,根据自身常年体会,总结并实行“夯实基础多练习,鼓励学生多启发,活跃气氛多交流,生活实践多进步”四循环法,效果得到多方肯定,曾获得2014年全英优秀教师奖,受邀担任多届全英朗诵比赛评委,曾担任2017年Loretto School GCSE 广东话口试考官等。

Ms Yuwei Zhao, graduate of Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. Worked in China for many years at one of the world's top 500 foreign-funded enterprises, engaged in international trade and related financial matters. Her work necessitated proficiency in English, Mandarin and Cantonese. She was also responsible for Chinese-language teaching for internal foreign and Hong Kong employees.

Ms Zhao has been with her current employer, an Edinburgh-based charity engaged in finance-related work, for more than 10 years; she also acts as a language consultant and undertakes official activities with the Chinese Government and institutions. In 2011, she started teaching at our school; during this period, she has performed SQA examinations, provided counselling to GCSE candidates and acquired a wealth of experience in using her own methods to implement the school's teaching philosophy.

Ms Zhao was in receipt of Britain's Outstanding Chinese Teacher Award in 2014, has been one of the judges of the UK Mandarin Reading Competition on several occasions and served as a Loretto School GCSE oral examiner for Cantonese in 2017. She hopes to continue to make progress with all of you.

戴君桦 Chunhua TAI

任课班级: SQA National 5, 考试班
Class: SQA National 5, Higher & Advanced Higher

戴君桦老师毕业于国立台湾大学外国语文学系,硕士学位为爱丁堡大学语言教学专业。在台湾为合格中学英文科教师并通过对外华语教学能力认证考试。拥有十五年语言教学经验,戴老师曾任中学英文科教师及一般中文教师。教授对象涵盖幼儿、学童及成人。目前并在Newington Library带领中文Bookbug sessions,为0至五岁孩童及家人说故事及带领歌唱活动,希望提供孩子们更多使用中文的机会。

Ms. Chunhua Tai holds a MSc degree in Language Teaching from the University of Edinburgh and a BA degree of Foreign Languages and Literature from National Taiwan University in Taipei. She is a certified teacher of EFL and Chinese Mandarin. She had been teaching in secondary schools in Taiwan before moving to Edinburgh. With 15 years’ experience in language teaching, Ms. Tai had taught courses for young children, students and adults. She was also engaged in teacher training for high school English teachers in Taiwan. Currently she also leads Mandarin Bookbug sessions in Newington Library, hoping to provide children with more input in Mandarin and to facilitate their development of the heritage language.

何罗雨茜 Yuxi HELUO

任课班级: C10
Class: C10

何罗雨茜,现就读于赫瑞瓦特大学金融经济专业四年级。于2014年作为汉语教师志愿者任教于 Burnbrae Primary School, Edinburgh.主要帮助苏格兰本地学生了解学习中国文化及日常中文交流。

Miss Yuxi Heluo is studying in Heriot-Watt University MA Economics & Finance 4th year. In 2014, she volunteered to teach Mandarin in Burnbrae Primary School, Edinburgh. she was focused on helping Scottish students to learn Chinese culture and Chinese daily speaking. From 2015, she started to teach students in Alba Cathy Chinese School.
Miss Heluo mainly helped students to improve their examination and writing skills, encouraged them to read Chinese classic fiction including short stories and poetry. She is good at communicating with students and their parents since she’ve been working as Induction Helper and Student Ambassador for freshers in her university for two years.
She’s been playing the Chinese Zither for 6 years and passed the professional Chinese Zither exam. She loves speech and writing and participated a large amount of national speech and writing competitions in China and achieved both first and second prizes. Her focus is helping students to understand Chinese culture and Mandarin, not only during the class but also from their studies at home.
Miss Heluo encourages students to perform during the class and in all the shows or competitions and she believes in "Encouragement Education" which refers to every student having their own talents and the teacher should encourage and support them to find those out so that they can be more confident in their studies and in their life.

王钰博  Yubo WANG

任课班级: 音乐班
Class: Music


Yubo Wang,the teacher of music class, is a music enthusiast , with professional Chinese traditional instruments background. She was a performer of Tiancai University orchestra in China, and used to be the concertmaster of the orchestra. During the past three years, Yubo has accumulated rich experience in terms coaching children/adults developing Chinese instrument skills and preparing them for stage performances. Her students had set up bands and performed in different university concerts successfully.

牛牛 Niuniu

任课班级: 跳舞班
Class: Dance


Years of dancing: 10 years
Teaching experience: 4 years
Dance type: HIPHOP, JAZZ, URBAN, k-pop, WAACKING
Awards: in 2012, participated in the program recording of hunan TV's "up bar, teenager";
In 2013, won the champion of new artist cup of chengdu dancers association;
Won the third place in the "dancing city" national competition in 2014;
In 2015, participated in "Irish tap dance -- river dance" recording;
2016 TFboys chengdu branch dancing choreography special tutor;
In 2016, I participated in the documentary program recording of hunan satellite TV.
In 2016, I won the "AREAN Korean dance competition" and went to the United States for further study.
In 2016, I won the championship of Chinese qi dance in WOD, a global street dance competition, and I was invited to Los Angeles to participate in the global finals.

刘莎莎 Shasha Liu

任课班级: 成人跳舞/拉丁舞
Class: Latin Dance

2013年选拔进入体舞校队并代表学校参加全国巡回赛20余场,最佳名次为全国第三。 现就读于爱丁堡大学舞蹈科学与教育专业。

Previous Teachers

宗辰 Chen ZONG

任课班级: 2A
Class: 2A

宗辰,2013年11月研究生毕业于赫瑞瓦特大学国际会计和金融专业。现正在准备“国际注册会计师”的学习和考试。因为对慈善行业的好奇和向往,还在致力于帮助年轻人发展的慈善机构Y2K(坐落于爱丁堡Mayfield)担任兼职财务助理,同时兼任Y2K董事会成员。更因为对教育行业的尊敬和热爱,现作为华夏中文学校的新任中文老师,希望为中西方文化的交流发展奉献微薄之力,同时实现自己的人生理想。 大学时寒暑假曾作为初中生家教老师,使学生在新学期的成绩在班级中提升十几个名次。至今也坚持教授语言学习伙伴中文近三年时间,这些经历都为此次能在华夏中文学校任中文老师一职积累了经验。

Miss Chen Zong graduated from Heriot-Watt University with a master degree of International Accounting and Finance in November 2013.

Nowadays, she is preparing for examinations for“The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants”. At the same time, She is the treasure and board member of a charity which is called Y2K (Located at Edinburgh Mayfield) because charity is sacred in her heart and she was curious as to how to run a charity. She also want to make a contribution to the communication and development of culture from China and Western through the way of being a Chinese teacher in Alba Cathay Chinese School.

Miss Zong used to be private teacher for junior during winter and summer holiday when she was in university. What make her delighted is that a little girl made great progress in her class after those extra tutoring. What is more, it is been three years already since she started to teach Chinese to her language partner. All these experiences make her confident to be a good teacher in our school.

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刘畅 Chang LIU

任课班级: 代课


Miss Chang Liu is a master degree of Education in University of Edinburgh. She can speak Korean and she has been teaching Korean for 2 years.

Miss Liu is an easy-going girl and she likes student-oriented class. She is good at encouraging students and motivating their enthusiasm. She will try her best to apply her teaching experience in teaching Chinese in our school. 

高洁 Jie GAO

任课班级: 4B 班 和 演讲班
Class: C4B and Speech/Public Speaking


Miss Jie Gao is the new teacher of Chinese langugage class 4B and will also be teaching the newly started Speech/Public Speaking class. She holds an MSc. in Education from the University of Edinburgh. During her two-year experience of language teaching, she was also nominated as a hostess, a judge and a guidance teacher in national speech contests in China to help students improve speaking skills and stage manners. Student-centred teaching atmosphere and elicitation teaching methods are enjoyed in her class with the aim to develop students' critical thinking patterns. 

Miss Gao strongly emphasises interaction between students and good teacher-student relationship. She will be introducing various teaching aids and activities in her class to help students learn by playing.

王睿 Rui WANG

任课班级: 舞蹈班
Class: Dance

王睿,舞蹈班老师,自幼学习舞蹈,2002年参加全国高等院校艺术特长水平考试,签约北京航空航天大学艺术团。在团期期间参与全国大学生舞蹈比赛, CCTV3舞蹈世界节目录制等活动,代表作品有舞剧风雅颂,舞蹈黄河颂,椅子,飞天等。

2006年赴英国爱丁堡大学攻读博士学位,同时兼任各类艺术团体的舞蹈教学。十年间,王睿先后任教于爱丁堡中文学校少儿舞蹈班,伦敦普通话学校幼儿舞蹈班,爱丁堡东方艺术团成人舞蹈组。 十年间积累了丰富的教学经验和舞蹈剧目,代表作有雀之灵,红豆,茉莉情怀,床前明月光,蒙古筷子舞,康定情歌等各类舞蹈,其中茉莉情怀的舞蹈表演者经过重重选拔,代表全英赴中国厦门参加了中国文化大赛总决赛。

Dr Rui Wang,the teacher of dance class, is a dance enthusiast , with classical ballet and Chinese folk dance background. She was a performer of Beihang University Dance Group in China, and later on moved to Edinburgh and London to teach Chinese traditional dance.

During the past ten years, Rui has accumulated rich experience in terms coaching children/adults developing dancing skills and preparing them for stage performances. Her dance portfolio includes Chinese fan dance (twilight), umbrella dance (Jasmine),  long-sleeve dance (Cai Wei), Tibetan dance (Kang Ding), Mongolian dance (Chopstick), etc. Her student Victoria (performer for Jasmine) was selected as the final UK representative, sponsored by the oranization to go to China for the worldwide Chinese Culture Champion.

丛铭珊 Mingshan CONG

任课班级: 乐队老师
Class: Alba Cathay Chinese Chamber Ensemble

丛铭珊,爱丁堡大学教育学专业硕士。现任爱丁堡大学Sinfonia乐团小提琴手,曾代表爱丁堡大学赴捷克布拉格演出。中学及本科期间在国内多次参加音乐会及比赛。 2013年-2016年在西安外国语大学学生乐团担任小提琴首席,多次在校艺术节及新年音乐会上演出。曾在2011年“百花迎春”全国艺术竞赛中演奏《查尔达斯舞曲》小提琴二重奏并获得银奖,同年获得“中国青年艺术家”荣誉称号。 2009年在中央音乐学院博士生的个人独奏会上与其合作演奏《流浪者之歌》。

Miss Mingshan Cong is a Master’s student in Education in the University of Edinburgh and currently the violinist in the Edinburgh University Sinfonia Orchestra.

During the period of her Master’s study, Miss Cong has attended several concerts in Edinburgh and went to Prague, Czech to perform on behalf of the University of Edinburgh. During her high school and university studies in China, Miss Cong has attended several concerts as well as competitions. She was the concert master of the XISU (Xi’an International Studies University) Student Orchestra from 2013 to 2016 and performed with the orchestra at the university art festivals and the new year concerts for several times. In 2011, Miss Cong performed Czardas Duet at the National Art Competition and was awarded the silver prize. At the same year, she was awarded The Young Artist of China by China Artist Association. In 2009, Miss Cong cooperated with a PhD student of Central Conservatory of Music to perform Zigeunerweisen at his individual recital.

李晨曦 Chenxi LI

任课班级: 唱歌班
Class: Singing

唱歌班老师: 李晨曦 爱大心理学研究生 钢琴7级 本科期间任文艺委员,多次组织学校文艺演出 。 获校园歌唱大赛前十名。大学期间指导合唱队并演出获得第一名,并参与音乐社团,担任主唱。性格开朗,特别喜欢小孩子,课堂会是活泼生动的,能积极调动小朋友兴趣。

Miss Chenxi Li is a master degree student of University of Edinburgh. Her piano level is 7 grade, and very good at singing. She was the art committee member in her class in university, and have organized big shows many times. She won the singing competition in her university as top 10.

Also, during her study in China, Miss Li took charge in teaching chorus and won the competition with the top prize. She was the main singer in a band with her friends. She is a positive,easy-going girl, and likes children very much. Her class will be very interesting, because she is very good at encouraging children to engage in the class activities.

康熹 Xi Kang

任课班级: 快乐汉语 1
Class: Happy Chinese level 1


Miss Xi Kang is studying Education (Child and Adolescent Psychology). She has the certificate of Rate A, level 2 of mandarin. Miss Kang had been in an internship as a teacher for two years in China. Shi taught in New Oriental Education & Technology Group in Shanghai. At the same time, she was a tutor of two primary school students. Under her help, their made great progress in studying.

When Miss Kang was in the University, she taught foreigners Chinese in pronunciation, writing characters and making sentences. Combining with stories, Miss Kang is good at attaching student’s attentions and inspire students to study. She hopes that teachers and parents can cooperate with each other and help students study better.

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徐瑜珂 Yuke XU

任课班级: 7A班 和 摄影班
Class: 7A and Photography class


Miss Yuke Xu got her BA degree of Chinese language and literature from Sun Yat-sen University this year and continue her study in the University of Edinburgh for a master degree of Education. She is good at the field of ancient China, such as literature, myths and traditional culture.

Miss Xu was the deputy head of news center in Sun Yat-sen University, taking charge of video clip shooting, film editing, and news compiling. She also plays the flute very well and has won many prizes in relevant competitions in China.

闫君 Jun YAN

任课班级: C6
Class: C6


Miss Yan is a master degree of Tianjin Normal University. She has both Chinese advanced teacher qualification certificate and international mandarin teacher qualification certificate. Major in English and teaching Chinese as a second language. She is a mandarin teacher in the Lasswade High School.
Miss Yan likes using heuristic teaching to make pupils to make progress in mandarin. She is good at using association memorizing method to make pupils memorize character easier. After each unit, she will plan some game to help kids consolidate what they have learned. So far, she has taught mandarin in our Chinese school for more than half year.

谢媛 Yuan Xie

任课班级 Class: 美术班


Miss Xie is a master degree of Law in University of Edinburgh. She is an easy-going girl and she likes student-oriented class. She is good at encouraging students and motivating their enthusiasm. Art is a personal interest of hers and she has studied the art for a long time in China. She will try her best to apply her experience in teaching in the school.