school time iconSchool time 学校日期

18/19 学年计划日期 Planned Term dates for 2018-2019 (Total 30 weeks)

秋季学期 Autumn term (13 weeks)

September: 8, 15, 22, 29
October: 6, 27
November: 3, 10, 17, 24
December: 1, 8, 15 **

**: 15/12 is cancelled due to IT upgrade. The class is moved to 12/01/2019

春季学期 Spring term (9 10 weeks)

January: 12**,19, 26
February: 2, 23
March: 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
**: 12/01/2019 is added to replace the class on 15/12/2018

夏季学期 Summer term (8 weeks)

April: 27
May: 4, 11, 18, 25
June: 1, 8, 15

The school runs every Saturday during the term time.


The language classes start from 9:00am to 11:00am, Activity classes start from 11:00am-12:00am.

中文班从 9:00am 到 11:00am, 兴趣班从 11:00am 到 12:00am.

2017/18 日期更新 Dates updates

更新/Update (08/02/2018): 为了补大雪取消的课程,本学期在6月16号增加一次课。这样本学期最后一次课是6月16号,然后开始暑假。
An additional teaching week will be added on 16/06/2018 so the last term date is Saturday 16/06/2018. Then the school will start the summer holiday.

更新/Update (08/02/2018): Boroughmuir中学从2月3日起搬迁,我们到复活节之后才能继续租用其新学校场地。我们已将2月10日的课挪至去年12月16日上完,2月3日将是现在地址的最后一次课,之后学校进入二月假期。因此,我校将于2月24日起在St Thomas of Aquin's中学做过渡安排,上课时间不变。
日期: 周六, 2月24日,3月3日、17日、24日
地点: St Thomas of Aquin's High School, 2-20 Chalmers St, Edinburgh EH3 9ES.
February 3rd will be the last lesson based at our current location. Boroughmuir High School will then move to its new location but it will not be available to us until Easter. We've therefore made transitional arrangements to hold lessons at the normal times at St Thomas of Aquin's High School starting from February 24th.
As we're going to celebrate the Chinese New Year on the afternoon of March 10, all the classes on that morning are cancelled.
The following dates and location apply during the transition period:
Dates: Saturdays, 24 February, 3, 17, 24 March
Location: St Thomas of Aquin's High School, 2-20 Chalmers St, Edinburgh EH3 9ES.

更新/Update (03/12/2017): 注意16/12/2017 和13/01/2018 增加两天上课
16/12/2017 and 13/01/2018 are now added as term date.

Term dates for 2017-2018 (Total 30 weeks) 2017-2018 具体上课日期

2017: Autumn term (13 weeks) 秋季学期(13周)

September 九月: 9, 16, 23, 30
October 十月: 7, 14, 28
November 十一月: 4, 11, 18, 25
December 十二月: 2,9, 16*

2018: Spring term (9 weeks) 春季学期(9周)

January 一月: 13*, 20, 27
February 二月: 3, 24**
March 三月: 3** (因雪取消,cancelled due to snow), 17**, 24**

2018 Summer term (8 weeks) 夏季学期(8周)

April 四月: 21, 28
May 五月: 5, 12, 19, 26
June 六月: 2, 9, 16***

特别注意 /Special note
由于Boroughmuir High School搬迁的影响,上课日期/地址有以下改到 Due to move of Boroughmuir High school, the term date/location are changed below

  1. *: 16/12/17和13/01/18新增加的上课日期,地址在现在Boroughmuir的校址。
    new term date 16/12/17 and 13/03/18, location at the current Boroughmuir High School
  2. **: 24/02/18, 03/03/18, 17/03/18, 24/03/18会继续上课,地址是St Thomas of Aquin’s (2 - 20 Chalmers Street, Edinburgh EH3 9ES)。
    24/02/18, 03/03/18, 17/03/18, 24/03/18 are still term date, the location is St Thomas of Aquin’s (2 - 20 Chalmers Street, Edinburgh EH3 9ES)
  3. 21/04/18之后,在Boroughmuir新校区上课
    After 21/04/18, the Chinese School will be moved to the new location of Boroughmuir High School
  4. ***: 补因下雪取消的课, addtional date for the cancelled class due to snow in March.

Archive 档案: Term dates for 2016-2017 (Total 30 weeks)

Autumn term (12 weeks)

September: 3, 10, 17
October: 1, 8, 29
November: 5, 12, 19, 26
December: 3, 10

Spring term (9 weeks)

January: 14, 21, 28
February: 4, 25
March: 4, 11, 18, 25

Summer term (9 weeks)

April: 29
May: 6, 13, 20, 27
June: 3, 10, 17, 24