courses icon课程Courses for 2017/18

2017-2018 Registration of new pupils is open now, Please sign up your child

2017-2018年度中文课程 Mandarin language classes offered in 2017-2018 school year


Mandarin language classes with various levels are offered to school age children, starting from the minimum age of 5 in September. The choice of language class is based on tutor's classroom tests, school's assessment and feedback from parents/guardians.


From 2016, the school started to offer Mandarin lessons (Happy Chinese) to children from non-Mandarin speaking family. The class is tailored to their needs by using the purposely designed textbooks and arranging an experienced tutor in teaching non-Mandarin speaking children.

下面是2017-2018学年的课程代码、名称、教师和教室的初步配置 Below is a provisional list of the class code, name, tutor and classroom.

注:以下信息会在开学后根据学生水平和报名情况确定,请以此网页公布的最新信息为准。 Note: Information below may be subjected to changes and updates.

更新日期 Update date: 31/03/2018

班级编码 Class Code 班级名称 (使用教材) Class Name (Text books) 任课老师 Teacher assigned 教室 Classroom
C1A Class 1A (第一册 Text Book No.1 吕艳 Yan LYU 1-13
C1B Class 1B (第一册 Text book No.1 冯多利 Duoli FENG 1-12
C2A Class 2A (第二册 Text book No.2 宗辰 Chen ZONG 1-11
C2B Class 2B (第二册 Text book No.2 马晓韦 Xiaowei MA 1-10
C3A Class 3A (第三册 Text book No.3 沈菁菁 Jingjing SHEN 1-09
C3B Class 3B/3C (第三册 Text book No.3 徐翔 Xiang XU 1-08
C4 Class 4 (4A/4B) (第三册 Text book No.3 赵雅洁 Yajie ZHAO 1-07
C5 Class 5 (5A/5B) (第四册 Text book No.4 刘月新 Yuexin LIU 1-06
C6 Class 6 (第六册 Text book No.6 赵宁宁 Ningning ZHAO 1-05
C7 Class 7 (第七册 Text book No.7 徐瑜珂 Yuke XU 1-04
C8 Class 8 (第八册 Text book No.8 赵宇薇 Weiyu ZHAO 1-03
C10 Class 10 (第十册 Text book No.10 何罗雨茜 Yuxi HELUO 1-02
CN5+CSH SQA National 5 /SQA Higher & Advanced Higher 戴君桦 Chunhua TAI/蔡丽娜 Lina CAI 1-01
HC1 快乐汉语 Happy Chinese level 1 康熹 Xi KANG 1-15
HC2 快乐汉语 Happy Chinese level 2 王楠 Nan WANG 1-14

The current students are progressed into same class (Class A or Class B) in next level automatically. If any student want to stay in same level, change class or is not sure which level/class to choose, please contact the school via email

Please use our textbooks to assess your child's Chinese level (exclude Happy Chinese classes and SQA classes)

2017-18年度计划举办的兴趣班 Activity (Drawing, Dance and Music) Classes offered in 2017-2018 school year


Activity classes (Drawing, Dancing, Chinese Handwriting, Speech, Photography, Singing and Music) are planned to offer in 2017-2018 school year. Please indicate the preferred choice of your child when the membership fee is paid.

兴趣班教室安排 Classroom for activity classes

注: 具体举办的班级,老师和教室信息会在开学后根据学生兴趣,水平和报名情况确定并公布。 The final list of activity classes, teacher names and venues information will be confirmed during start of term and be published here.

兴趣班的其他信息 Further information on activity classes


本班适用于一些年龄相对较低 美术功底不是很强的学生,本班 着眼于以漫画为主的基本功 练习外加一些简笔画练习, 来帮助学生们练习抓形能力 基本构图能力,人体基本比例, 漫画绘画技巧的训练等等.
Age: 5-12
Maximum number: 12
学生自带材料准备: 普通绘画本或复印纸; 普通绘画铅笔; 橡皮.


这个班级适用于年龄相对较高, 有一定绘画基础的学生. 课堂上老师将传授 专业的素描知识,带领大家领略三维绘画 的魅力. 在上课期间还会穿插一些漫画创作 或临摹练习.
Age: 10 and over
Maximum number: 9
学生自带材料准备:素描纸; HB, 2B, 3B, 4B, 6B铅笔各2 至3支; 普通橡皮一块; 可塑像皮一块 (在专业美术用品商店可以买到).


华夏中文学校室内乐团(Alba Cathay Chinese Chamber Ensemble):本课程旨在培养学生对中国音乐的兴趣及文化素养,练习中国音乐,并通过各种演奏机会锻炼学生公开演出的能力。 本校室内乐队主要由弦乐(包括小提琴、中提琴和大提琴)及钢琴组成,各项乐器正接受报名。
We are looking for students who can read music and play a string instrument to join our Chinese school orchestra. We would require the students to audition to find out if they would meet the standard required.
在过去一学年,室内乐团得到多位大同学的支持,参予了多次公演:学校二十周年的春晚演出、苏格兰中文朗诵比赛开场音乐,爱侨中文学校邀请演奏中国名曲《二泉映月》,并在八月加盟爱丁堡华人艺术团MELA嘉年华会成功演出。 在本学年,学生将会继续学习中国曲目,并为日后演出作准备。希望各位同学踊跃参予音乐课。


学校舞蹈班成立多年,节目多次代表学校参加爱丁堡艺术节嘉年华的表演,也曾被爱丁堡总领馆,爱丁堡学联, 当地社区和相邻中文学校特邀参加表演,并一致受到好评。更有学生慕名来参加我们的舞蹈班。 如果您的孩子爱好跳舞,或有一些舞蹈基础, 学校舞蹈队将是你的孩子展示才华的平台, 也是发展潜能和扩展兴趣的舞台。