新的学期各个班级(黑体字)和兴趣班(蓝色字)的教室分布如下 (08/09/2017)
The layout for the language classes (black colour) and the activity classes (blue colour) is below
我校家长全体大会在2017年6月17日进行,在大会上进行了校长的选举。通过大家的投票,杨尔辅博士当选为新的校长,并组成新的校委会成员。校委会详情请见 校委会
The Annual Geneal Meeting (AGM) was held on 17.06.2017. Dr. Erfu Yang was elected as the new headmaster. He has appointed the new school management committee. More details of the new school management committee is in
committee section.
2017-2018 Registration of new pupils is open now, Please sign up your child
更新: 我们招聘已经圆满结束。
如果您还有兴趣来我校担任老师请将个人简历发送到我校邮箱 ed_accs@yahoo.co.uk 我们会在需要的时候联系您。
2017年爱丁堡春节音乐会隆重举⾏: 欧亚交流协会和我校主办的2017年爱丁堡春节⾳乐会于1⽉25日在Usher Hall隆重举行。在欧亚交流协会和苏格兰华夏中文学校几个月来的筹备下, 北京梦想舞台在总导演王莘,孟建宏老师的带领下,与Rollin Drone , George Waston College 风笛队及爱丁堡当地的华人华侨后代共同打造了一台高水平的音乐盛会. 两地音乐家专门为此次音乐会共同创作了歌曲《友谊之歌》作为开场曲. 音乐家们还演唱了由音乐大师王洛宾创作和改编的几首经典歌曲, 还演唱了中国和苏格兰的民族歌曲以及西洋歌剧经典片段。他们的歌声或高吭激越,或清丽抒情,或舒缓悠远......不时博得观众的阵阵掌声和时起时伏的喝采声。 音乐会得到中国驻爱丁堡总领事馆、爱丁堡市长、中国银行、苏格兰孔⼦学院等的⼤力支持。参加2017年爱丁堡春节音乐会并分别致辞的有:爱丁堡市市⻓, 中国驻爱丁堡总领事馆潘新春总领事, 苏格兰国际事务部⻓艾伦博⼠,还有中国银⾏英国公司行长孙煜。Edinburgh Chinese New Year Concert 2017 was held in the Usher Hall on 25th of January. The concert was organized by the Euro-Asian Association and our school, with support from the Chinese Consulate General in Edinburgh, Edinburgh Mayor, Bank of China, the Confucius Institute in Scotland.
2016年11月5-6日,华夏中文学校第一次组织了两个羽毛球球队, 参加了 一年一度的苏格兰“华夏杯”华人运动会,并派出了拉拉队为运动会助兴。苏格兰“华夏杯”华人运动会在爱丁堡举行,来自爱丁堡、格拉斯哥、邓迪、阿伯丁、斯特灵等地的中国大陆和港澳台地区留学生、 华侨华人数十支队伍参加了篮球、羽毛球、乒乓球等团体项目的比赛。比赛由爱丁堡华人专业协会和爱丁堡大学学生学者联谊会联合举办,得到中国驻爱丁堡总领馆和中国银行的大力支持。 两天的比赛中,各项赛事竞争激烈、精彩纷呈、成绩喜人。华夏中文学校的选手虽然是首度参赛,但他们不畏强手,不骄不馁,在场上奋力拼搏,展示了良好的精神风貌。10位小拉拉队员的表现更是夺人眼球。她们身袭一式的白衬衣黑长袜,伴随着音乐, 不断踏出欢快律动的舞步,为运动员的奋力争先鼓劲,为获奖选手的成功喝彩。少女拉拉队成为运动会一道亮丽的风景线。 From 5th to 6th November , our school for the first time participated in the annual "Huaxia Cup" Scottish Chinese Sports Games by sending two badminton teams and girls cheerleaders to the Games . The "Huaxia Cup" Scottish Chinese Sports Games 2016 was held in Edinburgh. Dozens of teams from Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, Aberdeen, Stirling competed in sports such as basketball, badminton, Table tennis and other group sports. Although it was the first time for our players to participate the game, they were brave to face strong opponents, and achieved their best results. Especially the 10 young cheerleaders were eye-catching. Dressed in white shirt and black stockings and accompanied by music, they constantly danced to cheer up the athletes and applause for the winners.
9月10日教师节北京时间下午18:20,全英首次“华文教师完美远程培训”开课仪式在我校与北京同时举行 。 “华文教师完美远程培训”项目由中国华文教育基金会主办,北京四中网校承办,完美(中国)有限公司资助。自2006年至今,“华文教师完美远程培训”项目已有全球23个国家,165家华校和华教单位参与。 在开学前的几个星期里,我校新任校委会成员共同努力,多次与北京方沟通交流,测试网络,克服多种困难,终于使得这个项目在我校启动。开课仪式上,北京方面出席的有中国华文教育基金会项目二部主任李晓梅,北京四中网校副校长刘开朝,四中网校项目主管翟影。 英国方面出席的有中国驻爱丁堡总领馆副总领事张华中,英国中文教育促进会副会长、苏格兰华夏中文学校校长郭惠杰,教导主任王卫平和赵金。我校全体老师见证了这一仪式。 开课仪式上,李晓梅主任,刘开朝副校长和张华中副总领事先后致辞。大家一致表示,在中国华文教育基金会的支持下,要充分利用飞速发展的网络技术和远程培训项目这个平台,汇集海内外有益资源,切实解决海外华文学校的困难和需求,促进海外华文教育事业。 开课仪式结束后,我校老师们观看了一节精彩的《YCT考试介绍与指导》高清课。此次我校选择的课程有《听说读写的课堂组织》《YCT考试介绍与指导》《新HSK考试介绍》《<中文>教材分析与指导》等30节高清课程。 预祝”完美远程培训”在我校取得丰硕的成果。On 10th September, the first "Wan-mei Distance Training Program for Chinese Language Teachers" opening ceremony in the UK was held at our school. The "Wan-mei Distance Training Program for Chinese Language Teachers" was administrated by the Chinese Language Education Foundation, organized by Beijing Fourth High School and sponsored by Wan-mei (China) Limited. Since 2006, the program has been launched in 23 countries, 165 overseas Chinese schools. After the opening ceremony, teachers from our school watched a wonderful HD class on "Introduction and Guidance to the YCT exam". Our school has chosen 30 HD courses to offer to our teachers with variable topics such as "How to Organize Listening and Speaking in Class", "Introduction and Guidance to the YCT Examination", "Introduction to the New HSK Exam" and "Chinese Textbook Analysis".
2016年6月4日当天,爱丁堡华夏中文学校约30位同学和带队老师热情参与了Sciennes 小学由家长会所主办的年度夏季园游会,今年主题正好是多元文化大观园。除书法班外,我校舞蹈班和室内乐团还表演了美妙的中国民族舞蹈和结合中西文化的乐曲演奏,现场嘉宾响应热烈。 这是一次成功又有意义的文化及艺术交流活动。On 4th Jun of 2016, about 30 pupils and their teachers from the Edinburgh Alba Cathay Chinese School took part in the Summer Fair of Sciennes Primary School, which was organised by its PTA; The theme of this year is Multi-cultural ism. Apart from running Calligraphy workshop, we also provided energetic folk dance and wonderful chamber music performance which has the flavor of Chinese and western melodies. All were very popular and successful. It is another charitable and meaningful cultural event supported by our community.
华夏中文学校2016猴年春节联欢会于2月13日在学校礼堂成功举行。我校师生、家长和来自华人社区的朋友们约260人欢聚一堂。 孩子们表演了舞狮、少儿合唱、舞台剧、经典朗诵、民族舞、配乐诗朗诵、独轮车、乐器(钢琴、小提琴、苏格兰风笛)、乐队合奏等。表演结束后,同学们还参加了含灯谜、书法、手工、中国结等内容的传统中国春节游艺活动。家长们也趁这个一年到头难得的机会,叙家常,互贺新春。 今年是第一次在学校举办春节联欢会,虽然设施略显简陋,但家长和同学们觉得气氛更浓,对整个庆祝活动的组织、形式和内容的评价都十分积极。On February 13, about 260 people including teachers, students, parents of our school and guests from other Chinese organizations attended our school’s 2016 New Year Celebration in the atrium. At the party, our students presented a wonderful stage performance. The program comprised children choir, poetry recitation, drama, lion dance, Chinese dance, musical instruments (piano, violin, Bagpipe). After the show, the children participated in the traditional Chinese New Year fun activities including riddles, calligraphy, crafts, Chinese knot. It was a wonderful experience for our children to appreciate the Chinese culture and tradition.
2月7日,首次苏格兰华人春节联欢晚会在爱丁堡市中心会堂(Assembly Rooms) 隆重举行。以我校学生为主力的中文学校小朋友们表演了配乐散文朗诵《春》。同学们精彩的表演完美诠释了朱自清先生的佳作,赢得了观众的阵阵掌声。On February 7th, the first Scotland Chinese New Year Celebration was held in the Assembly Rooms in Edinburgh. Students from our school were invited to perform poetry recitation of "Spring", a masterpiece of famous writer Zhu Ziqing. Their performance won the audience's applause.
2月6日, 我校师生应邀参加了爱丁堡市政厅举办的庆祝中国春节招待会。爱丁堡市长Donald Wilson和中华人民共和国驻爱丁堡总领事潘新春先生和来自许多国家的外交使节,社区代表一起共祝华人新年快乐。我校同学们为招待会带去了许多精彩节目,SQA班的同学们参加了舞龙队的表演, 我校乐队演奏了具有节日气氛的《新春乐》,合唱队同学们和家长一起演唱了《友谊地久天长》等歌曲。On February 6th, teachers and students from our school were invited to the Edinburgh City Chamber to the Chinese New Year reception. Mayor Donald Wilson, the Consul General of the People's Republic of China Consulate General in Edinburgh Mr. Pan Xinchun, diplomats from many countries and representatives from local communities attended this event. Students from our school contributed a wonderful program to the reception. SQA class performed dragon dance. The school band played the piece of "New Spring", bringing a full festival atmosphere. The choir students and parents sang "Auld Lang Syne" and other songs.
10月25日, 在伦敦召开的英国中文教育促进会(UKAPCE)的教师节上,我校蔡丽娜老师荣获优秀中文教师奖。华夏中文学校获赠UKAPCE"推广华文教育"示范锦旗。 October 25, at the Teacher's Day ceremony, ACCS teacher Ms Li-nan Tsai was awarded the UKAPCE Outstanding Chinese Teacher prize. ACCS has also been recognised with an award for advocating Chinese culture and language learning.
我校杨茹原同学在北京侨联主办的"首开杯"第五届金水桥之恋华裔青少年书画大赛中以临摹作品《向日葵》获得铜奖。姚辉老师荣获优秀指导老师奖。华夏中文学校荣获最佳组织奖。 ACCS pupil Yang RuYuan has won the bronze prize with her copy art work "Sunflowers" in the 5th "ShouKai Cup" Painting and Calligraphy Competition for overseas Chinese pupils, which are hosted by the Beijing Municipal Overseas Affairs Bureau. ACCS teacher Mr Yao Hui has won the Outstanding Guidance Teacher award. The school has also been awarded the Outtstanding Organisational Achievement in the competition.
9月29日, 我校室内乐队应邀参加了中国驻爱丁堡总领馆庆祝中华人民共和国成立66周年晚会。六位乐队成员在汪帆老师的指挥下,成功演奏了中国传统民乐《江南好》,赢得了来宾的热烈掌声。随后在潘总领事的提议下,乐队又奏响了大家耳熟能详的《友谊地久天长》, 中外来宾同声歌唱,把晚会的气氛推向高潮。苏格兰前任第一行政长官Alex Salmond和乐队成员们的有趣互动成为晚会的花絮之一。
9月22日,邹娟和郭惠杰两位校董前往爱丁堡大学孔子学院,代表学校董事会聘请金日院长为我校第一位名誉校董。金日院长及孔子学院多年来对华夏中文学校给予了很大的支持,多次赠书并热情指导和关心学校的有关文化活动。我们相信进一步的密切关系会为学校工作带来新的促进。 李克校长从金日院长手中接受了又一批赠书。On September 22nd at the Confucius Institute for Scotland in Edinburgh University, two members of board of trustee Mrs Zou Juan and Mrs Guo Huijie presented Dr. Jin Ri the appointment letter of the honorary trustee of Alba Cathay Chinese School. Dr. Jin and Confucius Institute have been a great support to our school over the past years. We trust this new relationship will bring new momentum in Chinese learning and culture activities to the school.
在杨宗红老师的指导下,我校10多名学生在8月30日的爱丁堡艺术节Mela上成功表演了中国古典舞蹈《木兰》On 30th of August, 10 children from ACCS performed the classic Chinese dance "MU LAN" at the Mela of Edinburgh Festival 2015.
在北京侨联主办的第五届“金水桥之恋” 世界华裔书画大赛中,我校学生杨茹原的作品《向日葵》获得铜奖。这次书画大赛有来自世界各地华裔学生的上千幅作品参赛。历时4个多月的专家筛选,共评出350幅金、银、铜及优秀奖获得者。 在此,我们对杨茹原同学表示热烈祝贺,也感谢艺术班老师们的辛勤指导。
华夏中文学校2015春节联欢会于2月21日在Central Hall成功举行。我校师生、家长和来自华人社区的10多个团体的朋友们约400人,一起渡过了一个难忘的下午。联欢会上,我校学生及来自其他友好华人团体的演员为大家献上了一台精彩的演出。 演出的节目有儿童合唱、配乐诗朗诵、舞台剧、民族舞、流行舞、民族乐器(竖琴、古筝)等。表演结束后,同学们还参加了含灯谜、书法、手工、中国结等内容的传统中国春节游艺活动。值得一提的是,此次游艺活动是一次成功的尝试,吸引了300多人次参与。 最后,大家还品尝了饺子和春卷等中国传统春节食品。家长和同学们对整个晚会组织、形式和内容的评价都十分积极。来宾们也再一次感受到我们学校蒸蒸日上的活力。On February 21, about 400 people including teachers, students, parents of our school and guests from other Chinese organizations attended our school’s 2015 New Year Celebration at Central Hall, Tollcross. At the party, our students and performers from other Chinese organizations presented a wonderful stage performance. The program comprised children choir, poetry recitation, drama, Chinese dance, street dance, Chinese musical instruments (harp, zither). After the show, the children participated in the traditional Chinese New Year fun activities including riddles, calligraphy, crafts, Chinese knot. They also tasted dumplings and spring rolls and other Chinese traditional Spring Festival food.
我校学生在2014年UKAPCE承办的中华文化才艺大赛中又有突出表现。共有6为同学在苏格兰赛区脱颖而出,他们是贺漓洒,李屹娇,李雨辰,曾天祥,邓梓楚,沈煜。12月19日-30日,6名同学作为英国代表队的成员参加了 在中国厦门举行的第三届海外华裔青少年中华文化才艺大赛的总决赛。 10多天的时间里,我校选手和来自世界各地的200多名同龄人一起同场竞技,参加了中华知识,器乐,朗诵,舞蹈等项目的比赛。曾天祥(8班)同学(13岁) 在演讲比赛中表现出色,获得第三名及助学金2000元人民币。李屹娇(SQA班)同学(16岁)在强手如林的乐器类比赛中获得了第六名的好成绩。这两个奖项既是是英国队的全部奖项也是英国队参赛历史上的第一次,实现了英国队获奖的零的突破。 Well done, ACCS boys and girls! Our school had a great success in the 2014 Talent Contest on the Chinese Culture. Six pupils from our school were shortlisted after the semi-final (Scotland). They are He Lisha, Li Yijiao, Li Yuchen, Zeng Tianxiang, Deng Zichu, Shen Yu. In December, they flied to Xiamen, China as members of the British team and took part in the finals of the Third Overseas Chinese Youth Talent Contest in the Chinese Culture from December 19 to 30. During the 11-day contest, they competed against over 200 peers from the world in knowledge of Chinese culture, instrumental music, recitation and dance. Zeng Tianxiang (Class 8, 13 years old) performed well in the speech contest, finished third and won a prize of ¥2000. Li Yi Jiao (SQA class, 16 years old) won the sixth place in the intensive competition in Chinese instrumental music. They made a history for the British team to won awards for the first time.
12月7-8日,校委会秘书曾志强博士代表我校出席了中国国务院侨务办公室在北京举办的“第三届世界华文教育大会”。500多名来自海内外的华文教育领域代表参加了此次会议。大会开幕式在人民大会堂举行。国务委员杨洁篪接见了全体代表。开幕式上, 包括我校在内的38所海外华校被授予“华文教育示范学校”牌匾。在两天的会程中,与会代表围绕着“发展华文教育,振兴华文学校”的主题进行了分组讨论、主题论坛等形式多样的信息交流和研讨。9-11日,曾志强秘书还参加了赴湖南省的文教考察。 December 7-8, Dr. Zeng Zhiqiang , Secretary of the School Committee, attended " The Third International Conference on Chinese Education" in Beijing. The Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council organized the conference. More than 500 representatives from home and abroad attended the meeting. The opening ceremony was held in the Great Hall. 38 overseas Chinese schools around the world including our school, were awarded " Model Schools of Chinese Education " plaques. During the two days of the conference, the delegates took part of group discussions, forums and other forms of information exchange and discussion with the theme "Promoting Chinese education, revitalizing Chinese schools".
12月13日,学校组织邀请就读于牛津大学医学系的校友太子豪来我校为高年级学生作了一场声情并茂,内容丰富的讲座。讲座涉及大学申请程序,面试技巧,个人简历的准备等一系列大家关心的问题。共有30多位学生及家长参加了讲座。 December 13th, the school invited alumnus Mr Tai ZiHao, who is currently studying medicine at Oxford University, to come and give a talk on university application. The talk was very informative, the process of application, interview skills and personal statement preparation, etc. are all well articulated. Over 30 pupils and parents attended the talk and the Q&A session afterwards.
11月8日,中华人民共和国驻爱丁堡总领馆总领事潘新春先生在申德春领事的陪同下,考察了我校。潘总领事与校董和校委成员进行了座谈。李克校长就我校的沿革、办学方针、办学条件和所取得的成绩,尤其是近几年的快速发展进行了简单的介绍。 潘总领事对我校多年来克服重重困难办学,弘扬中华文化的不懈努力表示赞赏。 他对我校开办SQA班,与当地升学考试要求结合起来的尝试表示鼓励。他希望我校不仅要传播历史悠久、光辉灿烂的中国传统文化,还要向学生宣介当下中国在各个方面所取得的辉煌、举世瞩目的成就。座谈会后,潘总领事为我校“华文教育示范学校”牌匾举行了简短的揭牌仪式。然后,总领一行参观了 教室,和部分师生进行了交谈。On 8th of November, Consul General Pan Xinchun and Consul Shen Dechun, from the People's Republic of China Consulate General in Edinburgh, paid a visit to our school. Mr. Pan had a short meeting with members of the School Board of Trustees and the School Management Committee. Headmaster Dr Li Ke gave a brief on the history, teaching, facilities and achievements of our school. Mr Pan expressed his appreaciation to our efforts in teaching Chinese language and Chinese cultures despite of limited resources. He encourged our school not only to spread traditional Chinese culture, but also to introduce the remarkable achievements of modern China to our young generations. After the meeting, the Consul general toured classrooms and met some teachers and students.
10月24日至26日,2014年“共庆中国年•八闽文化走进英国”秋令营爱丁堡分营在我校举办。在为期2天半的秋令营期间,来自于爱丁堡华夏中文学校、 爱侨中文学校,格拉斯哥中文学校和邓迪中文学校的孩子们,在福建泉州师范学院教授们的指导下,参加了《中国书画》、《福建剪纸》、《南少林武术》、《经典诵读与普通话正音》 及《八闽茶韵》等丰富多彩的活动。这是孩子们一个难得的体验、欣赏八闽文化的机会。此秋令营由中国华文教育基金会举办,福建省海外华文教育发展中心和英国中文教育促进会承办, 爱丁堡华夏中文学校协办。From 24th to 26th October, an autumn camp with the theme of Fujian culture took place at our school. During the two and a half days, children from the Alba Cathay Chinese School, Edinburgh Chinese School, Glasgow Chinese School and Dundee Chinese School experienced and appreciated the Fujian Culture by attending the "Chinese Painting and Calligraphy", "Fujian paper-cut," "Southern Shaolin Martial Arts", "classic reading " and "Fujian tea appreciation" classes. This autumn camp was organized by the Foundation of Chinese Education of China, the Centre for Overseas Chinese Education of Fujian Province and the UK Association of Promotion of Chinese Education (UKAPCE), It was hosted by the Alba Cathay Chinese School.